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About Parent and Carer Champions

Our Parent and Carer Champions support us to ensure that the views and experiences of parents and carers help shape how we deliver our mental health services.

At Anna Freud, we are committed to ensuring that the experiences of parents, carers and young people help us further improve the services that we offer. Our aim is that children, young people and parents are involved in all aspects of our work, and we are keen to offer opportunities for parents, carers and young people to contribute to our projects and services.

We’re always on the lookout for parents and carers who are passionate about mental health and are interested in contributing to our projects and services. 

If you are a parent or carer and have experience of caring for a child with mental health difficulties, or perhaps have experienced mental health issues yourself, we’d like to hear from you.

What will I do?

There are plenty of activities and projects to get involved in, so whatever your background or interest we can find a role that’s right for you.

We’ll make sure you are fully supported in whatever activity you take part in, we’ll help cover your travel expenses and can provide crèche too if needed.  

Opportunities for Parent Champions include:

  • Helping out at mental health events and workshops

  • Promoting mental health awareness in the media

  • Sharing your experience as part of our training events for professionals

  • Joining our Parents’ Panel to provide advice and guidance to Anna Freud

  • Shaping and developing new services and research for parents and families.