Support us
Big ideas need significant investment. Support us with a one-off donation or become an Anna Freud Pioneer and join a community of like-minded supporters.
Challenge events
Have you always wanted to jump out of a plane or finally take part in that triathlon you've been thinking about? Make this year the one where you push yourself to the limit in aid of a g...
Fundraising support
We are delighted to welcome you to Anna Freud's fundraising team. Whatever your idea or activity, we're here to support you to get the most out of your experience.
Become a Corporate Partner
Together, we can achieve our vision of a world where every young person achieves their full potential.
Anna Freud Pioneers: power young people’s potential
Become an Anna Freud Pioneer to shape mental wellbeing for all children and young people.
Other ways to support us
There are so many different ways to fundraise for Anna Freud and make a lasting difference to the lives of children and young people across the UK.