News & Blog
Mentally Healthy Schools’ Coronavirus Toolkits
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic means we need to prioritise the mental health needs of children more than ever. We are all finding ourselves in an ever-changing situation and we’re a...
BBC Bitesize coronavirus articles from Anna Freud Centre experts
The Anna Freud Centre is delighted to be contributing to the support being provided by BBC Bitesize during the coronavirus crisis.
Coronavirus #3: Reflecting on the child in care
In a new series of expert blogs, the Anna Freud Centre shines a spotlight on those children who are particularly vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis. As leading specialists in their...
Coronavirus #2: Keeping in mind the children of high conflict separated parents
In a new series of expert blogs, the Anna Freud Centre shines a spotlight on those children who are particularly vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis. As leading specialists in their...
Coronavirus #1: Maintaining the lifeline for children receiving treatment
In a new series of expert blogs, the Anna Freud Centre shines a spotlight on those children who are particularly vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis. As leading specialists in their...
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge support Every Mind Matters and chair mental health roundtable call
Our CEO, Peter Fonagy, joined a mental health roundtable call with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and other mental health charities to discuss the support needed now and in the ...
Update regarding the Centre's services
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is taking action to reduce the spread of the virus. All our physical sites are now closed, but we are still at work with all staf...
Reading Well to support your mental health
For World Book Day, our latest guest blog is written by Annie Robinson who is the Programme Manager for Reading and Health at The Reading Agency.
Confessions of a secret eater
This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week and we are sharing a blog by one of our Parent Champions about her experience of binge eating.