News & Blog
My anorexia is very real
This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week and we are sharing a blog by one of our Young Champions about her experience of anorexia.
Taming my OCD: My personal experience of talking therapy
One of our Young Champions writes about her personal experience of talking therapy.
Living with depression
One of our Parent Champions writes about her individual experience of living with depression.
Children and young people give thumbs up to support from fellow students, study reveals
A Department for Education funded pilot scheme which established peer support programmes in schools, colleges and youth clubs has been well-received by children and young people in schoo...
New evidence is a wake-up call on the mental health of girls
New evidence shows that young people, particularly girls, are at increased risk of mental health problems between the ages of 11 and 14, which is younger than previously thought. The evi...
The Parent-Infant Conference and the importance of the early years
Today the Anna Freud Centre is partnering with the Parent-Infant Foundation to host the 2020 Parent-Infant Conference in central London for 300 practitioners working in the early years a...
Anna Freud Centre’s Chair of Trustees on New Year Honours list
The Honourable Michael Samuel, Chair of Trustees at the Anna Freud Centre, is on this year’s New Year Honours list and has been awarded an MBE for services to young people and mental hea...
New animation for school staff to support pupils’ mental health
Anna Freud is calling on all schools and colleges to use the new CARE animation on a staff training day, in a staff briefing or team meeting, and to send the animation and accompanying g...
Coping with Christmas
In this blog one of our Young Champions talks about how to cope with Christmas.