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Transformation Seminar Series

The Transformation Seminars are a series of free seminars open to the public. 

At the heart of the seminars is a profound question. How do we think differently about mental health?

We know that demands on mental health services are rising; we know that this increase can never be met by professionals alone. So what is it that we need to change in the way we lead our lives for our mental health needs to be met? To put it another way, how do we think differently about mental health? 

This ground-breaking series brings together some of the most eminent thinkers in child and family mental health in the world. Chaired by Professor Peter Fonagy, Chief Executive of Anna Freud, these multidisciplinary talks cover a wide variety of subjects, such as social prescribing; belonging and our sense of place; and how neurocognitive and genetic research can improve our understanding of environmental risk. 

We want a new conversation about mental health, and we’d like you to be part of it. Come and join us and help us take the discussion on mental health into new territory. Be part of the transformation. 

You can find recorded Transformation Seminars below and on our SoundCloud Transformation Seminars playlist.

  • Is there a suicide crisis in young people?

    In this talk, Professor Louis Appleby will ask: what are the figures on suicide and self-harm?; what are the stresses that suicidal young people are facing?; how important is social media?; and what impact has Covid had? And, behind the alarming headlines, are we seeing a more suicidal generation? This event took place on 28 June 2022.

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  • The synergies of transforming society for a safer climate and healthier minds

    Dr Emma Lawrance considers the interdependencies between climate change, climate action and mental health, and encourages participants to use the power of imagination and active hope to work for a safer, healthier, fairer future. This event took place on 13 July 2022.

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  • When will life return to normal after the pandemic?

    In this talk, Professor Danny Dorling looked at how people in Great Britain have responded to the various waves of the pandemic in terms of their fluctuating sense of how long it will take their life to return to normal, or if they think it ever will. This event took place on 12 May 2022.

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  • Can we make prevention in mental health really work?

    Professor Paul Ramchandani discusses some of the hard truths and challenges we face if we are to make prevention a reality. Including, but going well beyond the child and adolescent mental health system. This event took place on 2 November 2021.

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  • Whiteness as pathology shifting the location of disturbance to dismantle social inequality

    In this seminar, Guilaine Kinouani, award-nominated writer of the blog, argues that to address widespread social inequality we need to both redefine what mental health is, and pay much closer attention to Whiteness and its implications for society. This event took place on 28 September 2021.

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  • From language to laughter and back again

    Sophie Scott, Director of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, examines why social networks are critical for human wellbeing. This event took place on 20 July 2021.

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  • Childhood trauma and the brain

    Professor Eamon McCrory describes how childhood trauma, in the form of abuse and neglect, can lead to alterations in the brain. This event took place on 10 March 2021.

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  • Me and my Markov blanket

    Professor Karl Friston discusses how the physics of selfhood can lead to the kind of interactions that underwrite interpersonal exchange and possibly selfhood. This event took place on 17 February 2021.

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  • Social relationships and their impact on mental health and wellbeing

    Professor Louise Arseneault discusses social relationships and their impact on mental health and wellbeing. This event took place on 19 January 2021.

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  • Social justice, health equity and Covid-19

    In the first of our second series of Transformation Seminars, Sir Michael Marmot discusses why reducing health inequalities is a matter of social justice. This event took place on 15 December 2020.

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