IPT World Map
Welcome to the Interpersonal Psychotherapy Network Map.
The Interpersonal Psychotherapy Network Map
This map acts as a useful network tool for those conducting IPT training and research and hosting national IPT interest groups.
The map can be used by anyone who is interested in connecting with IPT colleagues around the world.
To keep informed of the Centre's IPT training and research, please join the free Anna Freud Learning Network.
IPT trainer and supervisor providing IPT training and case supervision in Hong Kong. A perinatal psychiatrist, consultation-liaison psychiatrist, and a honorary clinical assistant professor in psychiatry in the University of Hong Kong. Credentials: ISIPT Certified Trainer and Supervisor.
Major activities: 1) Conduct IPT introductory workshops and IPT skill training mini-workshops in collaboration with the Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing. 2) Provide IPT clinical supervision under the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists residency training program. 3) Collaborate with therapists in China in the dissemination of IPT in China.
IPT contact name: Joseph Chung
IPT contact phone: (852) 91050983
IPT contact email: josephpyc@gmail.com
IPT website: N/A
Academic institution performing research and graduate studies in clinical psychology.
IPT contact name: Anat Brunstein Klomek
IPT contact phone: +972546488055
IPT contact email: bkanat@idc.ac.il
IPT website: https://www.idc.ac.il/en/schools/psychology/pages/home.aspx
The group was established in 2010 and provides a home for all IPT therapists, trainers and supervisors in Israel. The website posts new trainings and provides information about IPT clinicians and supervisors. The Israel IPT groups accepts all certified therapists.
IPT contact name: Sharon Ben Rafael
IPT contact phone: 03-5473690
IPT contact email: sharon.benrafael@gmail.com
IPT website: https://www.iptisrael.com/
Dean, of the School of social work, Haifa university, providing 2 courses on IPT for graduate students.
IPT contact name: Prof. Yael Latzer
IPT contact number: +972-54-4736673
IPT contact email: latzery@gmail.com
IPT website: https://hw.haifa.ac.il/en/people/sw/ylatzer
The Turkish IPT group - Istanbul
The group was established in 2013 and provides a home for all IPT therapists, trainers and supervisors in Turkey. The website posts new trainings and provides information about IPT clinicians and supervisors. Contact
IPT contact name: Nazan Aydın IPT contact phone: 00 90 552 348 24 25 IPT contact email: kisilerarasipsikoterapi@gmail.com IPT website: https://kisilerarasiiliskilerterapisi.com
This is a study group of mental health practitioners trained in IPT. The purpose of the group is to pursue training and continuing learning in IPT.
IPT contact name: Anna Marie Lantano
IPT contact phone: 09958563090
IPT contact email: annaimd1012@gmail.com
IPT website: N/A
A society for clinicians and researchers of IPT in Japan, which provides workshops and trainings in Japanese language.
IPT contact name: Hiroko Mizushima
IPT contact phone: +81-3-3470-5355
IPT contact email: hiroko@ah-japan.com
IPT website: ipt-japan.org
Training and supervising new IPT professionals
IPT contact name: Kosse Jonker
IPT contact phone: 00310622969086
IPT contact email: Kossejonker2@gmail.com
ITP website: https://www.iptnederland.nl/
Malama- Institute for Psychological Applications (IPSE), IPT-Greece Active Group in Athens - Greece that since 2010 works on IPT application, training and research. The Institute is offering IPT to clients as well as IPT training and supervision to mental health professionals. Contact IPT contact name: Anastasia Malama IPT contact phone: (+30) 2106742889 IPT contact e-mail: malama@ipse.gr IPT website: www.ipse.gr , www.iptgreece.com
IPT contact name: Anastasia Malama
IPT contact phone: (+30) 2106742889
IPT contact email: malama@ipse.gr
IPT website: www.ipse.gr
IPT Training North East region
We provide IPT practitioner and supervisor training in North East England and across UK and internationally on request. The lead trainer has over 20 years experience in IPT training and has conducted research in IPT (brain imaging and treatment resistant depression). The training courses are typically small numbers ( around 8 - 12) to facilitate active learning, discussion and practice sessions. In addition to IPT training we have regular regional meetings with educational presentations and discussions. We have always welcomed anyone who is interested in IPT to attend the meetings and as meetings are now held virtually attendees have come from a broad geographical spread. Please see info on training and events section of IPT UK website.
IPT contact name: Dr Liz Robinson
IPT contact phone: 07771530238
IPT contact email: eliz_mart@hotmail.com
IPT website: www.iptuk.net
IPT Training Scotland We provide IPT practitioner and supervisor training in Scotland and across UK and internationally on request. This is an IPT-UK accredited course. Please see info on training here: https://www.ed.ac.uk/health/subject-areas/clinical-psychology/postgraduate-taught/cpd/interpersonal-therapy-level-a In addition to IPT training we have regular national meetings with educational presentations and discussions. These meetings are advertised within the Scottish IPT mailing list and the IPT-UK newsletter. Please contact Dr Suzie Black as IPT-UK Scotland representative (suzie.black@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk) if you are an accredited practitioner or supervisor in Scotland and would like to join the Scottish mailing list.
IPT contact name: Fiona Duffy
IPT contact phone: 0131 651 5445
IPT contact email: fiona.duffy@ed.ac.uk
IPT website: https://www.ed.ac.uk/health/subject-areas/clinical-psychology/postgraduate-taught/cpd/interpersonal-therapy-level-a
Recommended research
Duffy, F. (2020) Mixed methods evaluation of interpersonal psychotherapy for body image for adolescents Duffy, F., Sharpe, H., Beveridge, E., Osborne, L., and Richards, C. (2020). Mixed methods evaluation of interpersonal psychotherapy for body image for adolescents. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry..
Duffy, F. (2019) The effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents with depression: A systemic review and meta-analysis Duffy, F., Sharpe, H., and Schwannauer, M. (2019). The effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents with depression: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Child and Adolescent Mental Health .
German-speaking, registered, non-profit organization created in 2015 to further the distribution of IPT, quality assurance of IPT-training, and research with 112 members.
IPT contact name: Elisabeth Schramm
IPT contact phone: 0049-761-270-69670
IPT contact email: elisabeth.schramm@uniklinik-freiburg.de
IPT website: http://www.dg-ipt.de/
The Anna Freud Centre aims to transform mental health provision in the UK by improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of treatment, bringing together leaders in mental health, education, neuroscience and social care.
The Centre hosts a comprehensive programme of practitioner, supervisor and CPD training in IPT and IPT-A. We have played a leading role in developing national curricula for practitioner and supervisor training in the UK and have been leading contributors to international dissemination for more than fifteen years.
Full details of the IPT and IPT-A training programme can be found here.
IPT contact name: Roslyn Law
IPT contact phone: 02977942313
IPT contact email: roslyn.law@annafreud.org
ITP website: https://www.annafreud.org/training/training-and-conferences-overview
Recommended research
Pauliina Parhiala et al (2019) Interpersonal Counseling in the Treatment of Adolescent Depression: A Randomized Controlled Effectiveness and Feasibility Study in School Health and Welfare Services School Mental Health https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-019-09346-w.
Jenny C. Ingram et al (2019) Protocol for a feasibility randomised trial of low-intensity interventions for antenatal depression: ADAGIO trial comparing interpersonal counselling with cognitive behavioural therapy BMJ Open 9(8):e032649 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032649.
Law, R (2016) Defeating Teenage Depression – Getting There Together (Little Brown Books, London, Pubs)
Law, R (2013) Defeating Depression: How to use the people in your life to open the door to recovery (Constable & Robinson, London, Pubs)
A ACADEMIA DE PSICOTERAPIA INTERPESSOAL foi constituída em Janeiro de 2017, na continuidade das iniciativas pioneiras do INSTITUTO ORASI em Portugal, cujo crescimento ao longo dos anos levou à fusão com a EME SAÚDE em finais de 2016, para continuar a investir na formação dos profissionais portugueses na especialidade de Psicoterapia Interpessoal, tendo já ultrapassado 15 edições na formação de profissionais portugueses, essencialmente Médicos Psiquiatras e Psicólogos Clínicos.
A Academia de Psicoterapia Interpessoal tem como objectivos a realização anual do curso nível A desta psicoterapia e assim oferecer a oportunidade aos formandos de continuarem a formação em Psicoterapia Interpessoal através de supervisão de casos. Só após supervisão é que o formando será acreditado ou ostentar o título de psicoterapeuta interpessoal.
IPT contact name: Ivandro Soares Monteiro
IPT contact phone: 226066942
IPT contact email: geral@academiatip.com
IPT Website: www.academiatip.com
IPTS is the non profit national organisation in Sweden for IPT-therapist to evolve and evaluate the model in Sweden. IPTS is cooperatiing with ie ISIPT to train IPT-supervisors and work for high standards in IPT-trainings on all levels. IPTS have an accreditation committee regarding whom can apply for becomming an IPT supervisor/trainer, based on standardized standards for ackreditation. IPTS has conducted several IPT-courses the last years on level A and B and has been cooperating with AFC (Roslyn Law) regarding training and supervision for IPT-supervisors. IPTS is supporting the IPT research that is going on in Sweden.
IPT contact name: Malin Bäck
IPT contact phone: +46705490329
IPT contact email: relatera@me.com
IPT website: www.interpersonellpsykoterapi.se
Recommended research
Malin Bäck (2020) Reduction in depressive symptoms predicts improvement in eating disorder symptoms in interpersonal psychotherapy: results from a naturalistic study https://doi.org/10.1186/s40337-020-00308-1.
North America
The Psychiatry Department of Albany Medical College provides clinical services to the community as well as education and training for psychiatry residents, medical students, psychology post-doctoral fellows, psychology interns, psychology practicum students, and licensed mental health counselor trainees.
Dr. Wallis offers training and supervision in attachment based interventions and has specialized training as a practitioner, supervisor and trainer in Interpersonal Psychotherapy.
IPT contact name: Warren Wallis
IPT contact phone: (518)-262-5511
IPT contact email: wallisw@amc.edu
IPT website: https://www.amc.edu/Departments/psychiatry/index.cfm
Provide training in IPT through the Department of Psychiatry residency program.
IPT contact name: Virginia Ayres, Ph.D.
IPT contact phone: 4106031139
IPT contact email: veaipt@gmail.com
ITP website: https://www.uhhospitals.org/
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
IPT contact name: Meredith Gunlicks-Stoessel
IPT contact phone: 612-273-9844
IPT contact email: mgunlick@umn.edu
IPT Website: https://med.umn.edu/psychiatry
Academic setting and psychiatric research institute
IPT contact name: John Markowitz, M.D.
IPT contact number: 2122883070
IPT contact email: jcm42@cumc.columbia.edu
IPT website: https://nyspi.org/
Research and clinical training center that focuses on evaluating and teaching IPT and Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT). Additional expertise is available in brief IPT (IPT-B), group-based IPSRT, family-based IPT, IPSRT for adolescents, and IPT for individuals with comorbid anxiety disorders (IPT-PS).
IPT contact name: Holly Swartz
IPT contact phone: +1-412-246-5552
IPT contact email: swartzha@upmc.edu
ITP website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4886238/?report=reader
Recommended research
Holly Swartz (2016) Brief Psychotherapy for Maternal Depression: Impact on Mothers and Children Swartz HA, Cyranowski JM, Cheng Y, et al. Brief Psychotherapy for Maternal Depression: Impact on Mothers and Children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2016;55(6):495-503.e2. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2016.04.003.
Holly Swartz (2018) Psychotherapy Alone and Combined with Medication as Treatments for Bipolar II Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Swartz HA, Rucci P, Thase ME, et al. Psychotherapy Alone and Combined With Medication as Treatments for Bipolar II Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018;79(2):16m11027. doi:10.4088/JCP.16m11027.
Holly Swartz (2014) Brief Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT-B): Overview and Review of Evidence Swartz HA, Grote NK, Graham P. Brief Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT-B): Overview and Review of Evidence. Am J Psychother. 2014;68(4):443-462. doi:10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.2014.68.4.443.
Training future social workers to work for improved, evidence-based mental health services and racial justice.
IPT contact name: Nancy Grote
IPT contact phone: 4122984218
IPT contact email: ngrote@uw.edu
IPT website: http://depts.washington.edu/momcare/
Train, supervise and certify mental health clinicians providing Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Provide Interpersonal Psychotherapy to children, adolescents adults, including clients with eating disorders.
Author of Feeling Better beat depression and improve relationships with interpersonal psychotherapy.
IPT contact name: Cindy Stulberg
IPT contact phone: 416-736-6809
IPT contact email: cindystulberg@gmail.com
IPT website: www.interpersonalpsychotherapy.com www.feelingbetterthebook.co
Provide 3-day IPT Training in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and more frequently at offsite locations and via distance education at the request of organisations or groups
IPT contact name: Michael
IPT contact phone: +1 519 803 4718
IPT contact email: maternalwellnessclinic@gmail.com
IPT website: https://maternalwellnessclinic.ca / https://experts.mcmaster.ca/display/polakv
Recommended research
Dr. Vivian Polak (pending) OUT-PATIENT GROUP THERAPY USING INTERPERSONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR MUMS WITH POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION: A Randomized Controlled Trial (http://url) https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04580901?term=polak&cond=postpartum+depression&cntry=CA&draw=2&rank=1.
Laval University
IPT contact name: Mylène Fillion
IPT contact phone: N/A
IPT contact email: mylene.fillion@chudequebec.ca
IPT website: www.ulaval.ca
South America
The C-TIP is a centre for theoretical and practical training in IPT, and offers online and presential courses in Sao Paulo - Brazil since 2007. We have three ISIPT certified supervisors (Dr. Euthymia B. de Almeida Prado, Dr. Marcelo Feijó de Mello and Dr. Rosaly F. Braga). In partnership with the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), we train psychiatry residents in an IPT clinic, and perform empirical research on IPT.
IPT contact name: Mariana Rangel Maciel
IPT contact phone: 551130641162
IPT contact email: marianarmaciel@gmail.com
ITP website: https://www.provepsico.com.br/cursos/
Provider of Psychological therapies and Training. We offer IPT Training level A and B.
IPT contact name: Paul Rushton
IPT contact phone: 61755261212
IPT contact email: paulrushton@praconsulting.com.au
IPT website: www.praconsulting.com.au