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Practical tools and guidance for service transformation.



The following resources have been collated by the CYP MH Workforce Development Team to help with service transformation. 

Please click on the relevant heading or hyperlink within the description to access each resource.

Anna Freud is not responsible for external links and resources.

Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature (2005)

This report summarises findings from the review of the research literature on implementation. The review process began by identifying literature reporting any efforts to collect data on attempts to implement practices or programs in any domain, including agriculture, business, child welfare, engineering, health, juvenile justice, manufacturing, medicine, mental health, nursing and social services.

The new era of thinking and practice in change and transformation (2018)

Learning from trends in change in different industries to apply to health and care, and ideas for service transformation

A Step By Step Guide to Implementing CYP IAPT

What service transformation with the London and South East CYP IAPT learning collaborative looked like

An Introduction to the Learning Collaborative

Booklet introducing CYP IAPT principles developed by the London and South East CYP IAPT Learning Collaborative


NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Guidance 2017 – 2019