Research Library
Case study 3: Informing system and cultural change in emotional and mental health using the Wellbeing Measurement Framework survey results
This case study looks at how HeadStart Kernow raised awareness of the WMF and began to embed the use of WMF data across the system. Challenges they encountered include limited awareness of WMF and its potential locally, and issues around the accessibility of the data (2019).
Case study 2: Reporting on young people's progress on intervention: Developing an intervention outcome report
Headstart Newham provide school and community based interventions for young people with emerging mental health needs. The service collects pre and post intervention surveys to measure young people’s self-rated mental health as well as key risk and protective factors for mental health outcomes. HeadStart Newham worked to develop a user friendly report for schools and community providers to see the progress of their young people following interventions (2019).
Case study 1: Using surveys to measure wellbeing in schools: How to get a good response rate
HeadStart areas have been successful in collecting a huge volume of data about student wellbeing using questionnaires. This is key to our aim to build evidence about what works and what doesn’t, and to share learning to benefit young people in future. Achieving this is no mean feat. This case study shares our learning about how to get a good response rate when using surveys to measure wellbeing in schools (2018).
Emerging Evidence: coronavirus and children and young people’s mental health (Issue 7 research bulletin)
We have been conducting rapid reviews of the emerging evidence surrounding the mental health impacts of the pandemic on children and young people. In the current issue, we summarise key findings from a rapid review of evidence emerging between November 2020 and January 2021. Authors: Jeffery, M., Gilleard, A., Lereya, T., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Deighton, J., Tait, N., Cortina, M.A. (2021).
Emerging Evidence: coronavirus and children and young people’s mental health (Issue 6 research bulletin)
We have been conducting rapid reviews of the emerging evidence surrounding the mental health impacts of the pandemic on children and young people. In the current issue, we summarised key findings from a rapid review of evidence emerging between September and November 2020. Authors: Jeffery, M., Gilleard, A., Lereya, T., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Deighton, J., Cortina, M.A. (2021).
Emerging Evidence: coronavirus and children and young people’s mental health (Issue 5 research bulletin)
We have been conducting rapid reviews of the emerging evidence surrounding the mental health impacts of the pandemic on children and young people in detail (Issues 1-4 of this series). This issue, and future issues, will briefly highlight key new findings from our rapid reviews in a condensed format to enable us to share learning in a timely manner. Authors: Jeffery, M., Gilleard, A., Lereya, T., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Deighton, J., Cortina, M.A. (2020).
Emerging evidence: coronavirus and children and young people’s mental health (Issue 4)
We searched for evidence from around the world carried out during the pandemic to explore some specific questions: 1. What are the key mental health challenges for children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic? 2. Are there any particularly vulnerable groups? 3. What might help children and young people to manage these challenges? This issue captures research identified between 15th June and 5th July 2020. Authors: Gilleard, A., Lereya, T., Tait, N., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Deighton, J., Cortina, M.A. (2020).
Emerging evidence: coronavirus and children and young people’s mental health (Issue 3)
We searched for evidence from around the world carried out during the pandemic to explore some specific questions: 1. What are the key mental health challenges for children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic? 2. Are there any particularly vulnerable groups? 3. What might help children and young people to manage these challenges? This review (Issue 3) captures research identified between 25th May and 14th June 2020. Authors: Gilleard, A., Lereya, T., Tait, N., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Deighton, J., Cortina, M.A. (2020).
Emerging evidence: coronavirus and children and young people’s mental health (Issue 2)
We searched for evidence from around the world carried out during the pandemic to explore some specific questions: 1. What are the key mental health challenges for children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic? 2. Are there any particularly vulnerable groups? 3. What might help children and young people to manage these challenges? This review (Issue 2) captures research published between 5th May 2020 and 24th May 2020. Authors: Cortina, M.A., Gilleard, A., Deighton, J., Edbrooke-Childs, J. (2020).