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If you’re stressed with exams, revision can be a form of self-care, because it can make you feel more in control of your exam stress or anxiety, and make you feel better prepared to get the grade that you are hoping for.

It’s important that revision is balanced with other activities, so that your mind doesn’t become too over-worked. A good way of achieving this balance is by making a revision timetable, and allocating yourself time for treats or breaks regularly. You could also start a study group with some friends, so that you have people to talk to or keep your spirits up if you feel worn out. That is also a great way to pool your resources and help each other out, for example, your friend may be able to help you with a subject you struggle with, or vice versa.

The Student Room is the UK's largest online community for students with lots of free advice and guidance, including revision guides, advice on making flashcards or mindmaps and a range of top-tips from students themselves including this video about how to cope with exams and revising:

In this video, Dr. Sheila Redfern gives some simple advice and tips about managing stress around moments such as exams and interview including when waiting to hear the results:

What young people have told us:

'I would often loose focus when revising as well as doing homework. Setting up a timer and breaking long revision sessions into manageable chunks helped me concentrate and I got a lot more done than before.'

'Just make sure that you don't push yourself too hard or stress yourself. But do take time to research things you enjoy too- not just your school work!'

'Think of revision as a kind of activity to do on your own to concentrate and for self-care, rather than a stressful exam preparation. Instead of making wordy flashcards. include pictures and diagrams. Give yourself rewards, e.g. 20 min revision = a mug of chocolate, or 30 mins revision = 10 mins on your phone.'

There isn’t much academic research in the area of self-care for young people who are living with mental health issues. We are trying to find out more about what works for different people so we can better advise other young people what to try.

If you’ve tried this activity when you were struggling in relation to your mental health, please email us at and let us know if it helped you.