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Evaluation Innovation Fund Webinar

An event sharing the impact of the findings from research for the Family Hubs Evaluation Innovation Fund.


About this webinar

The Department for Education (DfE) have commissioned Sheffield Hallam University and the Ecorys partnership to deliver a programme of research for the Family Hubs Evaluation Innovation Fund.

The evaluation aims to:

  • Provide an overall assessment of the evaluated family hub models, including service effectiveness, outcomes, impact, and value for money.

  • Establish systems for tracking family outcomes and service trajectories longitudinally, accounting for a wide range of contextual and implementation factors.

  • Determine the added value of the hub approaches over and above pre-existing models, and to understand what works, for whom, how, and why.

  • Document the lived experiences of children and families as they interact with services, including families with multiple and complex needs; and to gain a deep understanding of the relationships between participation and co-production, and service effectiveness and outcomes.

  • Build local capacity for self-evaluation and develop replicable toolkits and training for wider adoption by hubs country wide

This learning event will share the impact of the findings from the evaluation to date.

See more events from the National Centre for Family Hubs 

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