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How can early years workers help manage the transition back to nursery?

As we move closer to babies and young children returning to nursery, we need to consider how their experiences over the past months will have affected them, and what impact this may have on their transition back into childcare.

During the pandemic, babies and young children have been impacted in a number of different ways. Some childcare settings have been forcibly shut, some experienced severe staff shortages, some families haven’t felt safe for their children to be in childcare arrangements, and some families simply could not longer afford to send them in.

Whatever the pandemic brought, it is clear that our youngest children have been affected. As schools and early years settings start to re-open, it is an important opportunity for early years workers to start planning for how they may be able to help oil the wheels of this important transition, and make it as stress free for young children as possible.

Our Early Years in Mind team have put together this advice and guidance to help early years workers to start planning now for how they may be able to help oil the wheels of this important transition, and make it as stress free for young children as possible.

  • How can childcare workers support families and children return to early years settings?

    A list of top tips for Early Years workers


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