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Establish a mental health action group

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On this page you can find information about:

  • the purpose of a Mental Health Action Group 

  • who should be included in the group

  • how to organise the group’s activities


To integrate mental health and wellbeing across the whole school or college community, the views of everyone in that community must be represented in both policy and practice.  Establishing a Mental Health Action Group is a good starting point for making sure that everyone is playing a role in promoting good mental health. The purpose of a Mental Health Action Group is to advise senior management on strategies to improve and support mental health and wellbeing across the school or college community.

Who to include

The group needs to include representation from the wider school community. For example: 

  • pupils - from across all year groups


  • parents and carers - that represent a range of year groups


  • staff – a mix of teaching and non-teaching staff


  • school governors – where possible a governor who is responsible for mental health and wellbeing. 

Organising the group’s activities

The Mental Health Action Group should meet at least every term and have clear terms of reference and a set of expectations outlining what they will do or produce during the year. Example activities could include: 

  • an annual review of school or college policies relating to mental health and wellbeing


  • an invitation to regular school leadership team and governor meetings to report on activities and contribute to strategy on mental health and wellbeing


  • collecting, monitoring, and reviewing data to improve and support the school’s mental health and wellbeing provision


  • liaising with local and external services, including key partners, for signposting and effective responses


  • presenting cases and sharing recommendations for learning, to promote best practice and better outcomes


  • considering creative ideas and practices to further expand mental health and wellbeing provision, including school-based events, campaigns, and initiatives


  • finding relevant and quality training opportunities for all members of the group and school community


  • reviewing the development plan and the delivery of the schools’ approach, ethos, and values


  • developing a mapped service to support children and young people, with clear pathways through services and referral processes.



  • Template terms of reference

    We have put together a template terms of reference which you can use to help guide you when drafting your own terms of reference for your Mental Health Action Group.
