Other helpful resources to support the wellbeing of children and young people

The following resources have been collated by the CYP MH Workforce Development Team.
Please click on the relevant heading or hyperlink within the description to access each resource.
Anna Freud is not responsible for external links and resources.
On My Mind
On My Mind is a website co-produced with young people to empower other young people to make informed choices about the mental health support that they want, the treatments they receive and the outcomes they desire. The site includes:
Youth Wellbeing Directory – service finder for young people in the UK aged up to 25
Receiving Support – Q&A's with Centre clinicians answering questions from young people with experience of working with mental health services
Understanding Referrals – Q&A with Centre clinician answering questions about the referral process
Understanding Treatments – innovative digital tool launching September 2019 allow young people to discover what treatment options are available to them and the evidence for each treatment
Jargon Buster – Definitions developed by young people about unfamiliar words, terms or phrases they might encounter
Know Your Rights – A guide to a young person's rights when accessing mental health support
Self-care – 85 self-care strategies young people say can help manage anxiety or depression
Get involved – details of how to get involved with the Centre's research including how to become a Young Champion
Resources – free resources for schools, colleges, universities and workplaces to help support the wellbeing of the young people they work with