Finding the right support for you and your family
Anna Freud is a specialist project-driven service, and we provide a small range of services for families and young people based in London.
Getting to know you and understanding your individual needs is important to us and so we work with whole families or the networks of people who are important to you, or we can work with just you.
Please visit our web pages below to find out more about the services we currently offer:
Our team works with adoptive and special guardianship families involves parents/carers as well as children and young people and whole families as we aim to improve the child’s experience in their relationships with parents and carers, as well as in their wider families and schools.
Our team of eight psychotherapists are providing a safe space to understand individuals’ feelings, thoughts, and behavior, and psychotherapy can help increase understanding.
Our specialist multi-disciplinary team undertakes whole family assessments pre- or during care proceedings including exploration of parenting capacity, adult psychiatric, attachment, trauma, cognitive and neurodevelopmental functioning and needs.
The Contact and Residence Dispute team have developed and deliver complex assessment and interventions for parents in conflict, often involved with the family courts.
Family trauma do complete court assessments for children placed in foster care, but our reflective care work is equally appropriate to this group
Reflective Parenting is a model of parenting based on theoretical ideas from mentalization – the ability of a parent to understand the thoughts, feelings and intentions behind the behaviour of both themselves and their child.
Our team offers support to children under-five, and their parent/carer(s), including assessment of difficulties, and psychological family interventions, as well as offering Reflective Practice guidance for professionals.
It’s not always easy to ask for help. It can be difficult to know where to start with explaining how you feel, or knowing what support you might need. Our helpful clinical support team will be able to guide your referral to one of our relevant services. Please complete our online referral form and one of our teams will be in touch with you to see how we might be able to help. Alternatively, you can contact our main reception and ask to speak with our clinical support team on +44(0)20 7794 2313 or email us at
If our current specialist therapeutic offers don’t fit the needs of you and your family, we would recommend speaking to your GP and checking your local borough’s website for wellbeing services, or visit our Youth Wellbeing Directory for other services in your area.
If you need some more immediate support, please take a look at our list of resources you can use in an emergency or while you wait for support.
Looking for help: parents and carers
Looking for help: young people
What to expect at your first appointment
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. Their role is to monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure that services meet the fundamental standards of quality and safety.